May 15, 2015 | drenner | 807 views
Orangeville Tournament Update
The Barry Burman Summer Shootout Tournament in Orangeville schedule has now been released. I have updated the calendar with the games however need to have the arena's and one team set-up. Here are the details:
June 26th at Tony Rose Memorial Sports Complex at 12:00 noon vs. Orangeville 1
June 26th at Alder Arena at 6:30 pm vs. Guelph 1
June 27th at Alder Arena at 10:30 am vs. Newmarket 1
June 27th ..first playoff game determined by ranking.
Other Teams competing are Oakville 1, Mimico 1, Centre Wellington 1 and Halton Hills 1. They are all in Group "A" and we are in Group "B" with the teams mentioned above.
Thanks Dwayne