Welland Info & Meal Plans, News, Paperweight Select, 2015, Rep (Cambridge Minor Lacrosse)

This Team is part of the 2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jul 15, 2015 | cwalmsley | 1359 views
Welland Info & Meal Plans
Same info that was sent by email is below.

I am re sending the Welland Tournament Details, as well as my suggestions for meal planning. If anyone else wants to propose something different, please speak up!
Schedule is as follows:
Friday, July 17th @ 3:30pm
vs. Wallaceburg Griffins
Jack Ballantyne Arena
501 King Street, Welland
Saturday, July 18th @ 7:30am
vs. NOTL Thunderhawks
Welland Main Arena
501 King Street, Welland
Saturday, July 18th @ 1:30pm
vs. Peterborough Lakers #2
Pelham arena
1120 Haist Street, Fonthill, L0S 1E0
Sunday, July 19th @ TBD

For meals, I am recommending the following:
Friday Evening Pizza Party @ Days Inn
We have the sun room reserved for our group from 5:30pm until 7:30pm. I thought we would order a bunch of pizzas and let the kids run around and play. I anticipate the cost to be very minimal - I'm thinking something like $15/family should cover pizzas. We also have access to the pool after dinner, so the kids can swim. 
Saturday Tailgate Party @ Welland Main Arena 11:30am
Since there will be outdoor activities for the kids at Welland Arena on Saturday afternoon, and we don't have to be to Pelham until 1:30, this might be a good time to pull out some BBQ's and cook up some lunch.  I broke out potluck requests by jersey numbers, I hope everyone is okay with this! If anyone has a small camping BBQ and/or cooler that they can bring, please do!
#2 - #4 - Please bring a side to share with the team (salads, veggie sticks, chips, etc)
2 Alexander
3 Austin
4 Blaine
#6 - #10 - Please bring hot dogs, buns and condiments
6 Cameron
7 Owen
9 Nevan
10 Benjamin
#12 - #15 - Please bring fruit and/or desert
12 Eli
13 Callum
15 Makayla
#18 - #20  - Please bring juice/water, paper plates, napkins and cutlery 
18 Joel
19 Mason
20 (G) Kadyn
Saturday Dinner @ 5:30pm (McDonald's 6348 Lundy's Lane, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 1T6)?
Gross, I know. But, this was the only place I could find that had an indoor play center for the kids and was open on Saturday evening. I wanted to avoid taking 13 preschoolers to a restaurant where they would have to sit and wait for 2 hours, so this was the best I could come up with! I'm open to suggestions if anyone is fundamentally opposed to this. 

Sunday, TBD
Schedule permitting, maybe we can have breakfast as a team at the hotel buffet, before we check out of our rooms and head to our final game?

If there are any objections or changes to above, please REPLY ALL so the entire team is in the loop. We will be counting on people to contribute, so please let us know if you won't be participating so we can make alternate arrangements! Otherwise, work directly with your group to sort out individual potluck items. 

Any questions or concerns, just ask!
